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Пневматический привод GEMU ADA / ASR

Пневматический привод GEMU ADA / ASR

This pneumatic quarter turn actuator works according to the double pistonrack and pinion principle, and is available as a double acting (ADA) orsingle acting (ASR) version. It is ideal for mounting on butterfly valves andball valves with standardised interfaces in accordance with ISO 5211 orDIN 3337 (F03-F25). To attach accessories, defined mounting facilities arealso available in accordance with VDI/VDE 3845 and NAMUR (control airconnector).

• Version A: The aluminium housing is hard-anodised on both the insideand the outside. This treatment means that the surface will be extremelyabrasion-resistant (which leads to reduced wear of the adjacent,dynamic components). In addition, this means that a good level ofresistance against external environmental influences (e.g. industrialatmosphere) can be achieved. The end caps are provided with an epoxycoating (80-90 μm).
• Version F: The aluminium housing and the end caps are provided witha high-quality epoxy coating (80-90 μm). Shaft and screws are made ofstainless steel. This achieves an excellent level of corrosion protection.This type of coating has been tried and tested in the offshore sector andin buildings that have permanent condensation and severe air pollution,among others.

Optical position indicator
The multifunction indicator is used as an optical position indicator. It canalso be used to operate mechanical or inductive switches for the electronicposition feedback.

Setting end positions
The setting range is ±5° (85° to 95°). This adjustment facility has beendesigned to be extremely easy to operate and is implemented using aprecise cam system. The settings can be implemented without removingthe actuator. By using a stroke limiter (optional), the end positions can beset variably between 0° and 90°.

• Robust design
• Low-wear
• High cycle duties
• Reliable and proven actuator design
• Flexible and versatile
• Simple installation
• Easy setting of switch points
• ATEX version II 2G/D c LCIE 05 AR 022 (optional)
• SIL 3 certified
• Actuator in accordance with EN ISO 15714-3

Технические данные.pdf


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  • Производитель: BRAY
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